Hardcore Luxury® -- Always 100% USA

Dual Survival

11 August 2016

WeatherWool Anorak on Discovery Channel Dual Survival with Bill McConnellAdvisor Bill McConnell, star of Discovery Channel's hit series Dual Survival,
chose to wear our Al’s Anorak in LYNX Pattern for survival in the Chilean Andes.

I was on the phone with Bill a couple of days ago and of course part of the talk was about clothes. Bill passed on a great thought during that conversation: “Clothes are your primary shelter.” Good way to think of it!

In August of 2015, Bill phoned me and explained he would soon be filming an episode for a TV Show. At the time, he could not reveal to me the name of the show. But he told me about his background and history as a Primitive Skills Instructor and Practitioner, and how he believes in wool. He said for the TV Show, he wanted to wear the best wool he could find, and he was hoping we would send him some WeatherWool to compare with the other brands he was gathering. He stressed that he was going to wear the best, and that he would be evaluating all of the woolens on the market.

A few days later, Bill phoned again to tell me that he knew he wouldn't be able to find anything he liked as much as WeatherWool, and that he'd soon be filming in severe conditions in Chilean Patagonia.

A few weeks later, Bill phone a third time to and related how he'd been in some really severe conditions, and he was very very happy with the performance of our wool. YESSIR!!

The Dual Survival episodes where Bill is in WeatherWool first aired on 13 and 20 January, 2016.

It is normal for TV personalities or the producers of the TV show to be paid by clothing makers for the product placements. Although we did provide Bill's WeatherWool at no charge, we did not pay any fee.

Bill is very well-known in primitive-skills and military training circles. Check out his school’s website ... Past Skills Wilderness School.